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Film Review


The Major – Song by Cuban Singer Silvio Rodriguez

Man has ever made himself,  From every primordial element,  From lordly palaces to the most humble quarters.  And every age was a piece in a grand jigsaw puzzle,  Destined to ascend in the great animal realm,  Ushered forth with hands of every shade and color.  Mortal...

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Oh gracia infinita – oda del poeta persa Rumi

Oh repentino resurgimiento, Oh gracia infinita, Oh fuego ardiendo en el bosque del deseo, Hoy llegaste lleno de alegría a descerrajar nuestra prisión. Hoy viniste como gracia divina, a nuestro espíritu desgarrado.   Eres chambelán del dichoso sol. Eres...

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For I to myself remain unknown

Here is our translation of an ode that was once attributed to Persian poet Rumi. We have rendered it as a poem in prose: O people, what shall be my strategy? For I to myself remain unknown. I am neither Jewish, nor Muslim, nor Christian, nor am I a fire-worshipping...

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O Wine Server

Here is our translation of the famed ode by Persian poet Hafez - Ode 1 O wine server, bring around the cup of wine  And serve it, for the course of love seemed smooth  At first, and then came the time of sorrows. We are still hoping that the morning breeze...

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What do we know?

This is our translation of the famous poem by Persian poet Ibn Yamin -   Who knows, and knows that he knows, He shall deploy reason to rise up to the vault of heavens. Who knows, and does not know that he knows, Make him aware, so he will not go on in oblivion....

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